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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0293c96.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-02-16  |  316KB  |  1305x405  |  8-bit (226 colors)
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OCR: THE MONEY RANKINGS: TOP TAX-EXEMPT BOND FUNDS Ranked byfare LONG -IEHMTAX-EXEMPTS CATEGORY AVERAGE eMur $16.635 $18. 20.0 PckrAllagiri,c01 $2,5[1) 801-52-723 16.577 25.5 Sann Winsrrk. 34'5 .m Rm- RR3 17.120 .XID.. PlCeeir.37 Ncro ,500 0 HG 17.627 35. 294. 26.0 Wifien Nerr 1.0 :,D WYich 150 T lanta: chrnen hore 2 3,01J 811-861-4939 IT 16,279 Da1YrCaleto1,Na_Is! Nore 1.03 1.00 808-225-2470 HCT 10 15 36. 389. Jctn Hbllicay 57(12) 1.2s 15 50 HGT 16,c2 436. Wilian Naris 636 1.00 201-621-722. Mani KatienaPortulic HGT 16.C28 Suuan Pazhy F(A) 25 800.27 451 Hation al Pori 16.co PckrCeflay. 10,000 10 15,056 7.5 Kernet VEALeS 1.00 IIGT 16,047 41 963. lanrMa;Kirnon 4411: 3,01] 6FAb-T48-M8 062'G1 152 SuanPastot 3(6) 29 80-2: 7 51 H ghineomA 15.567 75. Gngor Sc bs N. A (5) :.00 056-08 3050 15,820 23.5 T ...